Hiring a realtor for a property purchase or sale is sort of like dating: It’s a relationship and it takes work. Some people expect a realtor to be a mind reader, while others think that all realtors do the same job. Here are a few tips to make sure you find the right fit.
Your Agent should know and have worked in and around Caledon!
We’re starting this list with one of the more obvious, but also most important, tips to find a great Real Estate agent– your agent should know a thing or two about Caledon!
They should be very aware of the market itself, and be able to tell you:
The benefits and drawbacks of each neighborhood
The amenities available, e.g. schools, shops, gyms
The current state of the market in those areas, including which types of property, are more popular, where new developments are taking place, average listing/sales prices, etc…
Any agent can look up these figures and information, but having an agent who knows the area well can also keep you informed of market trends, as well as other potentially impactful developments such as:
New property developments such as condos or large commercial spaces
Zoning and by-law restrictions
Any other restrictions or caveats to be aware of in your property search, e.g. are the properties predominantly freehold or lease-hold titled?
This is one of the best ways to see a realtor in action. You want to see how the realtor interacts with prospective clients and what he or she knows about the property. If the realtor is on the phone constantly and missing the chance to talk to open-house attendees, this may not be the relationship that will work for you. Ask about properties in the area as this will give insight as to whether the agent knows the area, the price points, what’s sold, for how much, and how long it took. A good realtor will know all of this without having to reference documents and listing information. Ask the right questions:
You’re going to have to spend some time working with your agent, so make sure the relationship feels right. A good agent will want to build a strong connection with you as well.
Does your agent listen and do they understand your budget requirements and what’s most important to you?
While experience and skills are valuable, your agent needs to understand your expectations, so find one who does.
Having lived in Caledon and being a realtor running a home staging and interior business as well, Kenneth prides himself on really understanding the real estate market from the ground up such as how to make that house attractive to prospective buyers, how to price a particular property in a particular neighborhood, this is something that is very important. Having a blend of experience with social media and knowing how and where to market any type of property makes a huge difference in the long run in the Real Estate business. If you are looking to buy or sell in the Caledon area do call Kenneth to start the conversation or click on the link below to book a free home evaluation in Caledon.